Saturday, July 24, 2010


salam alaikkk :)
wahahahaha! lama nyaa x update bloggo.. hehehhehe..

ni kat rumah.. cuti mid-sem.. ada la cuti dlm 11 hari, n actually, baru habis exam mid-sem,
soalan xsusah xsng, tgh2, but alhamdulillah, i cn answer most of the question..

hm, byk plan yg dah diplanned sblm balik umah ni,

1. nk study balik bab 1, 2, 3, 4.
2. mind mapping utk setiap bab for each subject.
3. beli baju tdo (done) <-- kuar ngan latifah. :) syokk woo..
4. study for bab yg akan dtg.

while i m processing with those activities..

postoo.. postooo..

surat SPA dtg, offers me to further my study..

50 : 50, syukur : sedih

syukur sbb ni adalah peluang yg dinanti2kan, bkhidmat utk ngara (cewah cm nk p mana2 ja)

sedih, sbb nk tggal matric life.. fuh.. 3 bulan cik hanis kat sana. kawan2 pn dah ngan, kawan2 sebilik pn sekepala, study goes well, lecturer best2


however i must choose only one.
only one.

apa pun dua2 kena ada sacrification,
matric ; u must struggle all out to get the best pointer.
SPA ; struggle utk dekan. yep, i have my own vision, to be out of the blue.

eventhough i might feel sad , leaving my freinds, my roomate, still i need to do it.

lastly.. berdoalah utk kejayaan bersama..
insyaAllah kite jmpe di puncak kegemilangan!

p/s : utk2 bdak2 praktikum aku, f1p8, i love u all (ayat xleh blah)~
jaga diri jaga iman jaga semua.,
take care~!

.: Syukran, moga sama2 menambah ilmu =] :.